Celebrating our 31st birthday this year, Ruth Whitehead Associates is proud to be financial advisers at the heart of our local community, part of the most diverse and cosmopolitan capital city in the world.
We believe the only way is ethics and will help you tailor your investments to reflect your personal moral compass. Our mission is to create profit with principle. The ethical investments we recommend should outperform their unethical bedfellows, or there would be no point.
Our aspiration is that all portfolios we design perform well in a rising market, with a high level of protection if indices fall.
In an ever-changing world, there is comfort in knowing you can harness the power of your investments to be a force for good.
We are open, straightforward and accountable in our dealings. Ruth lives locally and sees clients every time she steps outside the door. That’s accountability.
RWA is a small company but big on diversity and equality: a core value regarding both clients and staff. Always has been, always will.
Ethics in Action
We fervently believe that charity begins at home, and in putting our money where our mouth is. By using our services you are also supporting our Ethics in Action initiative which sponsors local education and cultural initiatives.
We are incredibly proud of the awards we have won in the past few years.
- In 2019 we were Finalists in Investment Week’s Women in Investment Awards which highlighted the diversity and inclusion in our employment practices.
- In 2021 we were voted Social Mobility Champions in the hugely prestigious Financial Times Diversity in Finance Awards recognising our work offering cultural and educational opportunities for all in our community.
- And most recently we reached the final of Professional Adviser’s Best ESG Adviser Award for our ethical investing. We were proud to bursting to see the name of our small company up there in lights with the biggest and the best of companies who care.
Ruth’s community choir Chorus of Dissent perform concerts fundraising for charity. Click here to see what’s coming up next.
Make an appointment?
We always welcome new clients. Get in touch by clicking this link to our initial contact form. If we can help, we offer an initial 30-minute meeting free of charge. We may ask you to send over some details in advance of the meeting, which saves time and helps us focus advice.
How we work
Our standards, fees, privacy policy and complaints procedure can be found by clicking on the Terms of Business or Privacy Policy at the bottom of the page.
We take client satisfaction very seriously. If you are unhappy with any aspect of our service, you are entitled to make a complaint. Please register anything you are dissatisfied about in writing, by telephone or email. If you cannot settle your complaint with us, you may be entitled to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service www.financialombudsman.org.uk.
What our clients say

“Ruth first helped with a mortgage 14 years ago. Her advice not to sell the flat but to rent it out was the best financial advice I have ever had. Thanks to that advice, we are now in a far better financial position today 🙂 Now back with her for pension advice and she is helpful, insightful, canny and forthright as ever. Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to anyone.” DF
“My most important message – from me and my daughters – is to recognise very warmly and gratefully Ruth and Sarah’s remarkable care and attention of my investment – where it has been invested and the excellent results over the years since we first met. I’m very glad you were recommended to me.” GK
“Frankly, I’m in awe of what this team achieves – even more so through the COVID crisis. My world is a better place with RWA in it and not just financially.” LP
“Ruth Whitehead Associates offers such a positive experience in these uncertain times. This comes from their experience and expertise in the field. Highly recommended!” AB
“Thanks so much Ruth. It’s great to know the value of my portfolio has held up really well. Thanks as well to your team.” MS
“Ruth Whitehead has totally demystified the workings of the stock market and investments. Her practice is to explain everything, including where and how your money is being invested. She is passionate about ethical investing. Amazingly, despite Brexit and COVID-19 Ruth has got me a consistently good return on my money for the last decade.” BB

What our clients say

“Frankly, I’m in awe of what this team achieves – even more so through the COVID crisis. My world is a better place with RWA in it and not just financially.” LP Sept 2020
“Ruth Whitehead leads a wonderful team. They demystify the financial industry and their careful and detailed reading of markets is reassuring. Most impressively, RWA’s thorough and insightful approach has protected the value of my pension and investments through the current global crisis, for which I am very grateful. I think Ruth is a great community leader and I really appreciate RWA’s style!” WS, June 2020
“Ruth Whitehead Associates offers such a positive experience in these uncertain times. This comes from their experience and expertise in the field. Highly recommended!” AB, June 2020
“Thanks so much Ruth. It’s great to know the value of my portfolio has held up really well. Thanks as well to your team.” MS, June 2020
“Ruth Whitehead has totally demystified the workings of the stock market and investments. Her practice is to explain everything, including where and how your money is being invested. She is passionate about ethical investing. Amazingly, despite Brexit and COVID-19 Ruth has got me a consistently good return on my money for the last decade.” BB July 2020

RWA in the media
RWA voted Social Mobility Champions in this year’s prestigious FT Diversity in Finance Awards