We are proud to announce that RWA has been nominated as Best Adviser Firm for Ethical (ESG) Investing in the finance industry’s Professional Adviser Magazine Awards 2023 – in our 30th birthday year!
This is particularly gratifying for Ruth as ESG and ethical investing have been core functions of RWA from the outset, back in 1993.
When Ruth started the company, she was almost the only IFA asking clients whether they wanted to invest ethically. RWA has never offered any off-the-peg portfolios. Every client starts from scratch with a bespoke selection of funds tailored to their individual preferences.
Every single one of our team is committed to ESG investing. They are very aware of our passion when they apply to work here. They join because ethical investing reflects their own attitudes and aspirations.
To celebrate our 30th anniversary of ethical investing, we’re redoubling our efforts encouraging clients to understand how their money can effect change and improve the world. Ruth believes if the finance industry had been onboard in 1993, the climate crisis could have been averted. She was a lone voice back then.
We have also developed our own Ethics in Action programme. Whilst investing clients’ money ethically, we put our money where our mouth is and invest ethically in our local community.
We sponsor local education, music and arts initiatives for all. We are an official friend of our neighbours St Matthias School: most recently we spent £15k on professional musicians teaching the 180 pupils music weekly, culminating in a whole school summer performance Evenings at Home. This year we are funding two musicians on Wednesdays.
We’re also celebrating that where we used to be niche, now we’re mainstream.